Turn your shopping into a stress-free activity and free up your time
Shop thousands of products including groceries, electronics, cosmetics and baby care, and get everything delivered straight to your doorstep, all with just a few taps on your phone Download the App now and get your first delivery free Download the App now and get your first delivery free

iTKANN is for you if

You are looking for convenience
you are Looking for a reliable and professional delivery service to organize your life
You want to save your time and effort
You are tired of driving around to find that one product
You want easy access to thousands of high quality products


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Real-time order updates

You can see real-time updates on the status of your order, allowing you to track your package from the moment you place your order until it arrives at your doorstep.
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Delivery instructions

You can give us specific delivery instructions to meet your unique needs and preferences, such as 'Call me', 'call someone else' or 'Ring the bell.'
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Request unfound products to be added

You can request the addition of products that are not currently available in inventory. Our team will work to find the requested products and add them to the selection
'اتقان' is an Arabic word that can be translated to English as 'mastery' or 'perfection' and that is what we are trying to achieve at iTKANN. 'We can create a world class experience from the streets of Nouakchott', a lifelong objective of our founders Itkann Team

Why itkann

Thousands of products

Browse our selection of retail-priced items and add whatever you need to your basket

Fast delivery

Thanks to our delivery management system and highly trained drivers, your order is delivered in no time

Delivering excellence

Our system guarantees careful selection and checking of the products before packaging and ensures that you receive accurate and high-quality products that match the picture and description on our app

your order delivered in minutes

Download the App and create your account
Surf products and add to your basket
Place your order and relax

Download Itkann

Download the App now and get your first delivery free
